About the course
Crossroads Antiracism Organizing and Training will facilitate a four-part online learning course for CVN member programs who wish to deepen their commitment to racial justice and equity work.
Crossroads Implicit Bias Training is a web-based course to help volunteer program staff:
- learn about the impact of personal biases, systemic racism and other oppressions
- gain understanding of transformational values to guide new way of operating
- and foster supportive community of colleagues seeking to deepen their antiracism work
Course content
The course will consist of four 2.5 hour live sessions (with a 15 minute break included). Facilitators will offer comprehensive resources to be utilized in and out of each session.
The session topics are as follows:

Crossroads Antiracism Training & Organizing
Crossroads works for nothing less than the total restoration of all creation because it recognizes the ways systemic racism and other forms of structural oppression objectify and commodify the natural world and human beings. Crossroads recognizes that racism intersects all other forms of oppression and as such to resist racism requires resistance to all other forms of social inequality and oppression. Crossroads is
majority People of Color (African American, American Indian, Asian American and Latina/o) and minority cisgender men. There are multiple other layers of diversity including sexual identity, faith/spirituality, age, income, and education.
The Mission of Crossroads Antiracism Organizing & Training is to dismantle systemic racism and build antiracist multicultural diversity within institutions and communities, implemented primarily by training institutional transformation teams and guided by the following principles:
- Crossroads grounds its work upon a systemic analysis of racism and its individual, institutional, and cultural manifestations
- Crossroads seeks to be accountable in its work to those who share a common analysis of racism, and especially to communities of color
- Crossroads understands its antiracism work to be part of a national and global movement for racial justice and social equality
- Crossroads recognizes that resistance to racism also requires resistance to other forms of social inequality and oppression.
Questions can be directed to Sarah Hammel, Director of Programs and Operations, at shammel@catholicvolunteernetwork.org.