This year, Catholic Volunteer Network aims to increase our recruitment efforts and heighten awareness about faith-based service. These are the goals we have laid out for the year. Every month we will update our membership about our progress towards these goals.

Goal 1: Distribute 18,000 copies of RESPONSE 2020

As of April 1st, we have distributed
copies of RESPONSE 2020

Highlights: CVN Recruiter hosted conversations and distributed RESPONSE to 125+ students at 10 different events in February 2020.

Goal 2: Reach 100 college campuses

As of March 1st, we have visited
college campuses

Highlights: In February 2020, CVN Staff reached eight different campuses in New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Washington, DC

Goal 3: Exhibit at 50 events

As of March 1st, we have exhibited at

Highlights: CVN Recruiter co-hosted a workshop with Jesuit Volunteer Corps during the 2020 IMPACT Conference held at Arizona State University titled "An Invitation to Hope: Learning How to Channel Your Faith and Transform Your World."

Goal 4: Speak in 25 parishes

As of March 1st, we have spoken in

Highlights: Over a dozen CVN member program staffers and former volunteers have served as speakers for CVN, helping us to complete 19 Parish Speaking Engagements in 9 states thus far. Thank you!

Goal 5: Double the number of volunteer profiles posted to our website

Between July 2019 and April 2020, we increased volunteer profiles
over the same period in 2018-2019.

We can’t do it alone! Here is how you can help us reach our 2019-2020 recruitment goals:

  • Make referrals: Whenever you hear from someone who isn’t a perfect match for your program, but could make a great volunteer for someone else, encourage them to check out CVN for more options – specifically, ask them to complete a volunteer profile on our website.
  • Hand out RESPONSE: carry a few with you when you are recruiting to pass along to those who want to learn about other service opportunities. Order additional copies here.
  • Add a member badge and link to your website. This helps more people learn about our community, therefore elevating awareness about faith-based service.
  • Diocesan mission offices are our best connection for invitations to speak in parishes around the country. If you have a contact in a mission office, consider making an introduction so we can strengthen our relationship with that diocese.


Questions? Contact our recruitment team: