Welcome to Catholic Volunteer Network’s resource page for National Volunteer Week 2020!
This annual event is a chance to celebrate volunteerism while inspiring others to serve. On this page, you can learn more about National Volunteer Week, and learn about participating in fun social media activities along with the Catholic Volunteer Network (CVN) community! Especially during this time of social distancing, we hope that National Volunteer Week will help us build community online while we cannot do so in person.
About National Volunteer Week: #NVW takes place from April 19-25, 2020. This event was first celebrated in 1974, spearheaded by service organization Points of Light. This year’s celebration will occur during Points of Light’s first ever Global Volunteer Month – a new initiative recognizing volunteers worldwide, with special focus on those working to fight COVID-19 in their countries. The official theme for National Volunteer Week 2020 is “Celebrate Service.” At CVN, we will echo this theme, while also vocalizing the faith-based aspect of our service programs.
How to Get Involved
We invite all volunteers, former volunteers, and volunteer programs to join us in celebrating #NVW! Below are three key ways to take action:
- Thank a volunteer (or former volunteer) by posting an original video message from you to them via social media. Tag the person you’re thanking, and encourage them to thank someone else – pass it on! Use hashtags and handles provided below.
- Celebrate a volunteer by posting a pre-made graphic from CVN via social media. Don’t forget to challenge them to post, too! Use hashtags/handles/graphics provided below.
- Nominate a future volunteer by posting a pre-made graphic from CVN via social media. Help your nominee by including a link to a volunteer program website or to the CVN website. Use hashtags/handles/graphics provided below.
You can also download and print this flyer to promote #NVW engagement within your office/organization.
Handles: @CatholicVolNet @PointsofLight | Hashtags: #NVW #CelebrateService #FaithandService
Graphics: Click individual images to view, then right-click to download. Click again to view full size.
For other #NVW official branding, check out the toolkit on the Points of Light website.
Additional Efforts
Volunteers & Alumni Panels: CVN has arranged two special virtual panel discussions meant to celebrate volunteers and educate potential volunteers during #NVW.
- Our first Service Year Panel took place on Wed. Apr. 15th, featuring six former volunteers who served in the U.S. Check out the recording here.
- Our next International Service Panel will take place during #NVW on Wed. April 22nd, when we will speak with four former volunteers who served abroad. Watch the recording here.
Service Partners: We invite colleges and universities, graduate schools, and other faith-based and service-based organizations to participate in #NVW with CVN! In particular, we would like to thank and honor those groups that help connect individuals with service. For information on collaborating with us, please contact Mike McCormick at mmccormick@catholicvolunteernetwork.org.
12 More Ways to Share About #FaithandService
If you really want to make a splash during #NVW, here are extra ways to take action!
- Follow CVN on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, and share our posts.
- Watch and share our new video series, Choose Service.
- Post a photo from your time of service, with hashtag #FaithandService or #ServiceStories
- Record a short (< 1 minute) video about your service experience, with hashtag #FaithandService or #ServiceStories
- Write a three-word-service story and tag @CatholicVolNet (Example: “Faith, Friends, Flapjacks”)
- Write for the CVN Blog and inspire others to serve! Contact us for submission details.
- Add your faith-based service experience to your LinkedIn profile under “Experience.”
- Invite others to create a volunteer profile – the first step towards becoming a volunteer.
- Share the digital version of RESPONSE (our directory of service opportunities) on social media.
- Send the (free!) gift of RESPONSE in hard copy to a friend or family member. Click here to order.
- Join our network of former volunteers! Click here to sign up.
- Share the What’s Next Notebook guide to life after volunteering!
Thank you for participating! We hope to see you online during #NVW!