QVS Fellow – Minneapolis

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Start: Aug 27, 2023 / End: Jul 26, 2024 / Location: Minneapolis, MN

Quaker Voluntary Service is a year-long Fellowship program in which young adults between the ages 21-30 build intentional community, work full time at social service and social change agencies, and explore themes of spiritual and personal growth with local Quakers.

An ideal QVS Fellow is committed to working with diverse community members, brings a willingness to explore and practice spirituality, and is prepared to work in a professional setting. QVS Fellows should be ready to ask challenging questions of themselves and each other about how to live simply, with integrity and justice, while doing meaningful and mutually empowering service. QVS Fellows will work at partner site placement organizations addressing a wide range of social and environmental issues including, but not limited to economic justice, racial equity, housing and homelessness, education, immigration, environmental sustainability, human rights issues, mental and physical disability, and youth justice.

In Minneapolis, we are seeking a bilingual fellow who is interested in doing social justice work with COPALMN and organization committed to social impact initiatives to improve the quality of life for Latin American families.