Red Cloud Indian School is seeking a recent college graduate (2021 or earlier) to teach K-8 Physical Education & Health through the Red Cloud Volunteer Program, a post-graduate service and teaching program. This position begins with volunteer orientation July 19, 2021 and ends May 31, 2022.
Red Cloud Volunteers serve 1-3 years as teachers at Red Cloud School, a Lakota Catholic Jesuit school system on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota, situated just southwest of the Badlands and southeast of the Black Hills. Red Cloud is also home to the Heritage Center, a center for cultural preservation and development, which includes an art museum and gift shop featuring works of art by indigenous local and national artists.
Volunteers need not be certified teachers, although an academic background in education can be helpful. Red Cloud will work with education majors to get teacher certification in the state of South Dakota.
Volunteers live simply in intentional communities with 6-9 fellow volunteers, deeply engage Lakota culture, commit to engage the Lakota and Catholic spirituality of Red Cloud while nurturing their own spiritual tradition, and commit to working for justice through education while accompanying people who have been historically marginalized.
Our volunteers have been an integral part of the Red Cloud community for over forty years: teaching, driving school buses, and assisting with extracurricular activities.
Red Cloud provides volunteers with a monthly food and personal stipend, as well as health insurance, housing, and access to a shared vehicle.
Additionally, most volunteers are part-time AmeriCorps members, which allows allows the opportunity for deferral of student loans and reception of an educational award after one’s term of service.
To inquire, email Volunteer Coordinator Ryen Dwyer or to apply, send cover letter and résumé to