We seek young adult Catholics, 20-29 years of age, who want to be equipped with experience and knowledge to be youth ministers. We want to invest in you!
You will have a mentor and learn to:
Implement a comprehensive youth ministry program.
Engage youth & adults and call them into the ministry.
Plan, organize and execute programming for the year.
Present spiritual programs and retreats in dynamic ways.
Successfully collaborate with a parish staff.
Facilitate meetings and small groups effectively.
Disciple youth and young adults into the mission of Jesus.
You will work as part of SPIRITUS, which is a team of missionaries who live in community and travel by van to schools and parishes working as youth ministers and giving retreats to inspire Catholic youth in grades 2 – 12.
You’ll receive one-on-one mentoring, spiritual direction, lodging, food, monthly allowance, health insurance and $3,000 upon completion of the mid-August 2021 to mid-May 2022 mission.
You’ll learn valuable evangelization, youth ministry and leadership skills, deepen your faith, discern future callings, and make connections that can help with future careers. It’s an awesome opportunity to serve our Lord and help young Catholics grow in faith!
Visit www.spiritusministries.org/beamissionary, email Rachel at rachelvanhandel@spiritusministries.org or call (920) 722-8918, ext. 113 to learn more and to apply today!