“When Simon Peter arrived after him, he went into the tomb and saw the burial cloths there, and the cloth that had covered his head, not with the burial cloths but rolled up in a separate place.” John 20:1-9
Reflection by Libby Riggs, Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ Volunteer Program
Reflection by Libby Riggs, Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ Volunteer Program

As I put myself into the words of the Gospel, I had to ask myself, am I not one in the crowd that shouts for His crucifixion when I turn a blind eye to an opportunity to serve someone in need. Though I may not shout those words, my actions may speak loudly at times when I deny the needs of others. I pray that as I begin this year of service, that I may reach up to take Jesus down from the cross with every good deed or word done in His holy name. Let us embrace the needs of others as if He is embracing us beside the empty tomb.
Thank You for the gift of faith, for whispering
to my heart, for the strength to replace all my fears
with faith. Open my eyes to see Your face in the faces
of those in need around me. Speak to me so that I
hear and recognize what You most desire of me. Help
me to continue to live more simply so that I am not
bogged down by worldly possessions. As I leave behind
the hectic, chaos of my former job, let me begin to
quiet my heart so that I can live more fully for those
I will be serving. Above all, Thank you, O Lord, for
the beauty and blessings that you surround me with,
never let me forget to live with a grateful heart, for
You, my most prized possession.
Focus on: Spirituality
Like Jesus, who often went away to pray alone, find a specific time of day to get away. Make this a time to be alone with Him. Reflect on how and where He calls, be grateful, but sit in the quiet of his embrace and allow His spirit to fill you and regenerate.
Service Suggestion:
Rather than joining in the crowd that yelled to “crucify him!” look for ways to find your own voice to speak for those in need, to serve and represent those trampled by the crowd.
This reflection is part of our Lenten Series – Download the Lenten Guide Here