Annunciation House

Goal of Program

To provide an experience of service, accompaniment and solidarity with the poor in the border communities of El Paso, Texas and Juarez, Mexico. The work is focused to responding to the undocumented, immigrants, and refugees. The ministry consists in the sharing of one's life through the operation of several houses of hospitality; advocacy on behalf of the poor in migration; and awareness and immersion experiences. The hospitality offered in several large houses includes everything from food, shelter, clothing and social needs to networking with immigration asylum counselors and lawyers. Annunciation House is sustained by individual contributions and donations, and by an all-volunteer staff. For the volunteers, service at Annunciation House is a way of being and living at a particular time in one's life. The work is your life and the living is your work. It is important for volunteers to realize that there must be an openness to doing whatever there is to be done and serving wherever one is needed.

Type of Placement

Hospitality shelter staff, social services, work with immigrants and refugees (largely people from Mexico and some Central and South Americans), border education and research, office and computer work, accounting and bookkeeping, building maintenance.

Service Area

El Paso, TX and Juarez, Mexico

Service Length

One year or longer preferred; may consider six-month-plus arrangements on a case-by-case basis. There is also a ten-week summer program.

Program Size



Men and women. Single or married without dependents. Open to prayer and spiritual reflection. Ages 20 years and older. Application, references, background check, physical examination and phone interview. College education and Spanish extremely helpful.

Financial Arrangements

Room & board, small stipend, health insurance, travel allowance after completion of 1 yr.

Living Arrangements

Volunteers live in the houses of hospitality in their own room or with a roommate.


An initial two-week-long orientation is given on-site, as well as ongoing and in-service training. Volunteers meet regularly for staff meetings, prayer and reflection. There are also periodic gatherings for discussion, education and recreation.

Application Deadline

Application process must be completed at least six weeks prior to desired arrival date. Arrival dates for yearlong volunteers are: February 1, May 25, August 1, and November 1. Arrival date for the Summer Internship is May 25. Summer Internship runs through August 3.

Start Date

Four start dates each year: Feb 1, May 25, Aug 1, Nov 1

Contact Name:

Mary Fontana


P.O. Box 11189
El Paso, TX 79995
Phone: 915 533-4675



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