Can Faith-Based Service Be Saved? Cultivating Antiracist Identity in Service Programs
About the course
Prerequisite: Crossroads Implicit Bias Training (or equivalent)
Crossroads Antiracism Organizing and Training will facilitate a four-part online learning course for CVN member programs have previously taken the Implicit Bias Training and wish to deepen their commitment to racial justice and equity work.
The goal of this cohort is to more deeply understand and grapple with our collective complicity with white supremacy and to strengthen our capacity to animate antiracist identity, values, and ways of being in the field of faith-based service.
Our sessions will explore:
- How the ideology of white supremacy became embedded (and persists) in expressions of Christian mission
- The imperative to develop robust antiracist identity congregationally, institutionally, and individually
- The critical role of organizing within faith-based institutions
We encourage programs to register two staff members to participate in this training, to enable better implementation and follow-through. To help make this possible, we are offering a $25 discount on the second registration. Just use the code - justice - when checking out to activate the discount. Just like CVN membership dues, cost is based on member program annual budgets.
- Tier 1: Under $100,000 ----- $100
- Tier 2: $100,000-$499,999 -----$125
- Tier 3: Above $500,000 -----$150
Course content
- This 2nd Cohort experience will be immersive over the course of 2 weeks. Each session will take place between 9am-11:30am CT (10am-12:30pm ET) on Monday, June 13, Thursday, June 16, Monday, June 20, Thursday, June 23. Sessions will feature facilitation led by Jessica Vazquez Torres and Ryan Lents from Crossroads – additional Crossroads staff may participate as apprentices.
- Participants will engage in large group and small group discussions. Homework/pre-work will be assigned prior to each session – some assignments will involve group and/or pair collaborations.
- This cohort has a capacity of 30 participants. The previous "Implicit Bias and Racism" series offered in 2020/2021 is a pre-requisite for participation in this series. Multiple staff persons from the same program are encouraged to participate together where possible.

Crossroads Antiracism Training & Organizing
Crossroads works for nothing less than the total restoration of all creation because it recognizes the ways systemic racism and other forms of structural oppression objectify and commodify the natural world and human beings. Crossroads recognizes that racism intersects all other forms of oppression and as such to resist racism requires resistance to all other forms of social inequality and oppression. Crossroads is majority People of Color (African American, American Indian, Asian American and Latina/o) and minority cisgender men. There are multiple other layers of diversity including sexual identity, faith/spirituality, age, income, and education.
The Mission of Crossroads Antiracism Organizing & Training is to dismantle systemic racism and build antiracist multicultural diversity within institutions and communities, implemented primarily by training institutional transformation teams and guided by the following principles:
- Crossroads grounds its work upon a systemic analysis of racism and its individual, institutional, and cultural manifestations
- Crossroads seeks to be accountable in its work to those who share a common analysis of racism, and especially to communities of color
- Crossroads understands its antiracism work to be part of a national and global movement for racial justice and social equality
- Crossroads recognizes that resistance to racism also requires resistance to other forms of social inequality and oppression.
Questions can be directed to Jocelyn A. Sideco, Associate Executive Director at