Catholic Volunteer Network is excited to continue sharing important information about our events, membership programs, partnerships, and more. By filling out the form below, you can help our team keep detailed records of requests and more efficiently and effectively share information.

Types of Communications Requests

How Can I Help (HCIH)

How Can I Help is CVN’s bimonthly newsletter to member programs where we share updates about member-exclusive benefits, upcoming programs, opportunities for engagement, and more. This newsletter is sent out the second and fourth Thursdays are each month.

When submitting content for HCIH, be sure to include the following:

  1. Title of your submission
  2. Body copy
  3. Photo/graphic
  4. Relevant link(s), if applicable

Submissions are due the second Monday of the month to be included in first newsletter of the month, and the fourth Monday of the month to be included in the second newsletter of the month.

Questions about HICH can be directed to Jocelyn A. Sideco.

Social Media Posts

CVN uses Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to continue growing our network and building connections. Social media posts and updates are scheduled throughout the week to go live across our platforms.

When submitting content for a social media post, but sure to include:

  1. Platform requests (please use the multi-select option in the form)
  2. Draft copy (as a reminder, Twitter has specific character limits)
  3. Photo/graphic/video, if applicable
  4. Relevant link(s), if applicable
  5. Date of posting, if there is a preference

Submissions for social media requests are due three business days before the preferred date of posting. 

Questions about social media can be directed to Jocelyn A. Sideco.

Website Updates

We’re continuing to explore the best ways to use our website as our “virtual front door” for members, partners, friends, and guests. Webpages are updated frequently to reflect member offerings, events, and more.

When submitting content for a social media update, be sure to include:

  1. Link to the webpage(s) to be updated
  2. New/Edited copy
  3. Photo/graphic/video, if applicable
  4. Relevant link(s), if applicable

Questions about website updates can be directed to Jocelyn A. Sideco.

Have a request that doesn’t fit within these areas? Contact Jocelyn A. Sideco to discuss what may work best for you.

Disclaimer: CVN reserves the right to edit or decline any updates that are not in alignment with CVN’s branding, mission, and values.

Communications Request Form

    Please select all the communications platforms applicable to your request. If selecting "other," please describe the nature of your request in the "description/copy" section.
    Please remember that all Instagram posts need a video or photo. Let us know in the "Post Content" section if you need help with selecting an image.
  • Paste in a YouTube or Vimeo URL here
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, gif, pdf, Max. file size: 5 MB, Max. files: 5.
    • Please include relevant information that will need to be shared in this update, including relevant dates, contact information, etc.