The Loretto Volunteer Program has a volunteer position opening as Fresh Start Program Assistant at Kelly Memorial Food Pantry in El Paso, TX. The Loretto Volunteer will help members secure access to resources, education, and support. The Fresh Start Program Assistant will provide continuity of service to Fresh Start members, including assisting with intake process, case management and food management. The Fresh Start program recognizes that hunger is not just caused by a lack of food, but also lack of human capital (including education, employment, and income), social support, and social capital. Any attempt to improve long-term food insecurity requires more than just short-term food. It also seeks to develop strong and active partnerships with related social services providers.
The Loretto Volunteer Program is a project of the Loretto Community, a welcoming and inclusive Catholic order of sisters with a 200-year history of advocating for peace, women’s equality and solutions to social injustices.
Loretto Volunteers serve for a year at social justice organizations while living in intentional community with other volunteers. All the while, volunteers find ways to connect to their spirituality and practice simplicity in every day life. We are rooted in the creative spirituality of the Loretto Community. We consider earth care, activism, and justice work as deeply spiritual pursuits. Though we have grown out of Catholic social justice teaching, we proudly welcome volunteers of any faith, as well as those who are struggling with the idea of religion and God. All volunteers must simply be open to exploring a variety of spiritual practices that reflect their community’s backgrounds and interests.
In these ways, and in many others, Loretto Volunteers explore and embody to the program’s core values of intentional community, spirituality, simple living, and social justice.
We welcome individuals of all backgrounds, races, ethnicities, classes, abilities, sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, and faiths.
Kelly Memorial Food Pantry:
Loretto Volunteer Program: