Celebrating Campus Supporters of Service
This National Volunteer Week, Catholic Volunteer Network is celebrating our volunteers who have said “yes” to faith-based service – choosing to live and serve in communities across the United States and the world through full-time volunteer programs.
During #NVW, we are also celebrating those who make service possible! Today, we’re proud to recognize one particular group of service supporters – the women and men who serve in Campus Ministries, Service-Learning & Social Justice Offices, and Career Centers at colleges and universities nationwide.
These campus professionals walk with students, help them engage in service, and help them to consider how to incorporate Spirituality & Social Justice into their lives post-graduation. Through this work, they help both their students and our member programs to share in the Vision Statement of the Catholic Volunteer Network: “Through service rooted in faith, all will know the opportunity to impact the world and be transformed.”
We are so grateful to count the following campus partners as our 2020 Top Schools for Service. While this list does not represent all the campuses who support our work, these are the campuses who have demonstrated consistent excellence in collaborating with our network and championing post-grad service among students. Thank you for all that you do!
Mid-Atlantic Region
Catholic University of America | Campus Ministry
Georgetown University | Center for Social Justice, Teaching and Service
Loyola University Maryland | Campus Ministry, Career Center, and Center for Community Service and Justice
Manhattan College | Campus Ministry and Social Action
Saint Joseph’s University | Campus Ministry and Faith-Justice Institute
University of Scranton | Campus Ministries and Center for Service and Social Justice
Villanova University | Campus Ministry
Midwest Region
Creighton University | Campus Ministry and Schlegel Center for Service and Justice
College of Saint Benedict & Saint John’s University | Campus Ministry, Saint Ben’s and Campus Ministry, St. John’s
DePaul University | Mission and Ministry
Franciscan University of Steubenville
John Carroll University | Campus Ministry
Lewis University | University Ministry
Loyola University Chicago | Community Service & Action
Marquette University | Campus Ministry and Service Learning Program
Saint Louis University | Campus Ministry and Center for Service and Community Engagement
Saint Mary’s College | Office for Civic and Social Engagement
University of Dayton | Center for Social Concern, Campus Ministry
University of Notre Dame | Center for Social Concerns
University of St. Thomas | Center for the Common Good and Center for Ministry
Xavier University | Dorothy Day Center for Faith and Justice
New England Region
Boston College | Volunteer and Service Learning Center
College of the Holy Cross | Chaplains’ Office and Campion House
Providence College | Campus Ministry
Saint Anselm College | Campus Ministry
Stonehill College | Career Development Center and Stonehill Service Corps
West & Southwest Region
Loyola Marymount University | Center for Service and Action
St. Mary’s University | Community Engagement
University of Portland | Moreau Center (article)
A Note from Catholic Volunteer Network
For this year’s honors, it proved impossible to limit our Top Schools for Service to a list of ten, or even twenty. With 150+ volunteer programs in our network – and 28,000+ volunteers who served in 2018 – that means hundreds of private, public, and religious schools represented among our volunteers. Even within this large field, the schools listed above have demonstrated outstanding commitment to post-grad service, which we are pleased to recognize with this honor!
We hope this recognition might be a reason to smile during what has been a challenging time for our campus friends. We thank you and encourage your continued engagement as you help others to “Act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8)
Get Involved!
Help us Celebrate #NVW! Excited to see your campus listed here? We invite you to keep the celebration going by visiting our National Volunteer Week Resource Page – where you can learn how to Thank a Volunteer who is an alum of your campus! Click here.
Become a Campus Partner! Interested in being counted among our Top Schools for Service in 2021? Email recruitment@catholicvolunteernetwork.org to learn how you can collaborate with our network! We invite you to work with us to arrange an event, info session, or meeting with our staff! For more info, click here.

Throwback to National Volunteer Week 2018, with Staff at the CVN National Office