Welcome Our New Associate Executive Director

Catholic Volunteer Network (CVN) is excited to announce that Jocelyn M. Sideco is CVN’s new Associate Executive Director!

Jocelyn will direct internal organizational change to strengthen the ways we support all our member organizations. A seasoned networker with deep roots in Ignatian Spirituality, Jocelyn will coach us into becoming a more agile, nimble and responsive staff. This will allow us to broaden and expand the ways we support you and broker benefits for all of us.

A native of San Francisco, Jocelyn serves her corner of the world as a pastoral minister particularly drawn to communities in transition. It’s no surprise to her that accepting a seemingly harmless part-time, remote digital outreach position for CVN (while still caring for her two small children) this past Fall led to this opportunity to serve the helpers.

If you need new eyes to help you re-imagine your organization, your mission-centered strategy, your own vocation or even just a passage of scripture, reach out to Jocelyn! She will bring a rootedness in God’s gaze that gently nudges you to remember or to know God’s dream for you and how that allows you to interact with God’s peoples.

Jocelyn’s main leadership responsibilities included (but are not limited to) initiating and managing collaborative projects amongst staff, member organizations and partners in the work of faith and service, challenging current status quo when policies and/or practices disproportionately harm historically under-resourced communities, help shape CVN’s national voice and local engagement.

You can reach Jocelyn at jsideco@catholicvolunteernetwork.org  or call her at 301.270.0900 x15.

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