Mercy Volunteers spend 6 weeks serving at Mercy Ecospirituality Center in Benson, Vermont. The mission of Mercy Ecospirituality Center is to inspire reverence for Earth and to work toward the sustainability of life by acting in harmony with all creation. The house offers a beautiful space for individual and group retreats, programs, and workshops. Located in the beauty of Vermont’s Green Mountains, the 39 acres of wooded land, raised bed gardens, and animals are ideal for connecting with nature.
This is a great opportunity to connect with environmental justice through spirituality and tending to the earth and animals. Mercy Volunteers combine physical labor and heartfelt reflection to experience our deep interconnection with creation. Mercy Volunteers tend to the vegetable and flower gardens, care for animals (sheep, chickens, bees), assist at farmers’ markets, and provide hospitality and programming for retreatants.
While serving, volunteers live on-site with one another in an intentional community. They share regular meals, weekly reflections, and household responsibilities. Housing, transportation, and a stipend are provided during the 6-week experience. Applicants must have health insurance for the duration of the 6 weeks, be able to lift/carry 25 lbs, and be at least 20 years of age.