Bon Secours Volunteer Ministry is an extension of the work of the Sisters of Bon Secours in the United States for over 150 years. You may be wondering what “bon secours” means; well, it translates to “good help.” Through our volunteer ministry, we provide “good help” to those in need. BSVM is a full-time, year-long service program that allows recent college graduates to share in the Sisters’ charisms of compassion, healing, and liberation. Volunteers have the unique opportunity to work in healthcare, education, or social service. Our program is structured around our 5 pillars, learn through service with others, practice God’s Justice, develop community, grow spiritually, and live simply. Spiritual growth is the foundation of these pillars. A few other distinguishing points about our program: we are one of few small, urban, domestic programs that gives volunteers the chance to work in settings focused on health and all the factors that impact health such as education disparities and insufficient housing. We are also unique in that our volunteers live in the same neighborhood where they serve.