The Vincentian Mission Corps is looking for a volunteer to serve as a Development & Student Support Volunteer at Our Lady of Visitacion School. Our Lady of the Visitacion is located in the Visitacion Valley district, next to the largest housing project in San Francisco. This K to 8th grade school seeks to help its students find an alternative to the poverty surrounding them by providing a nurturing learning environment. Volunteers must have a college degree, or related life/work experience and interest in education. The Development & Student Support volunteer will work under the mentorship of the Fundraising and Volunteer Coordinator, coordinating fundraising events with the Parent Teacher Group and School Administration; assist with student clubs and groups; and work in the communications arena, among other areas.
Vincentian Mission Corps members live in St. Louis in a community with 3-5 other volunteers. Our volunteers learn about Vincentian spirituality, faith, simple living, and social justice (particularly racial justice work in St. Louis). VMC members receive housing, a monthly food and living stipend, transportation, professional development, health insurance if needed, potential student loan deferment, and a $6000 Americorps Education Award upon successful completion of the program. Please contact with any questions.
VMC is also dedicated to growing as an anti-racist organization, dismantling white supremacy, and working to build a more just society. We are looking for applicants who are interested in seriously engaging with this mission in a spirit of humility, openness, and vulnerability. For more information and to request an application, please visit