We have openings for our placement at Precious Blood Ministry of Reconciliation (PBMR) on the Southside of Chicago. PBMR is the ideal place to utilize your talents. You may serve through mentoring, tutoring, peace circles or fine and practical arts. You will be part of PBMR’s work for peace, justice, and reconciliation. This is a great placement if you have an interest in restorative justice, peace building, reconciliation ministry, social work, carpentry, music, art, education, or nonprofit management.
You will live in community with other volunteers and have the opportunity to grow in your faith while living a life of service and simplicity. You receive a monthly stipend, health insurance, room, board, transportation costs, and an education award at the end of your service. You can learn more at http://preciousbloodkc.org/precious-blood-ministry-of-reconciliation/ or contact us at volunteers@preciousbloodkc.org.