

St. Louis, Missouri
Hilton St. Louis at the Ballpark
November 1-4, 2017

Catholic Volunteer Network hosted its 40th Annual National Conference on Faith-Based Service in St. Louis, Missouri November 1-4, 2017. Across four days, volunteer programs and staff from around the country shared in prayer and discussion, heard from compelling keynote speakers and panelists, and participated in numerous workshops.

Our time together was marked by many deep and personal sharings from a wide variety of speakers. Fr. Greg Boyle recounted the moments of kinship he has experienced through his work with formerly gang-affiliated men and women. "Volunteers of Color in Dialogue" panelists spoke about their about personal experiences serving as full-time volunteers. "Mother 2 Mother" panelists shared their unforgettable stories of raising their children in over-policed black communities. Jim Wallis closed out the conference encouraging us all to commit more deeply to our work for racial justice.

Fr. Greg Boyle, S.J.
Fr. Greg Boyle, S.J.
Jim Wallis
Jim Wallis
Vounteers of Color Panel
Vounteers of Color Panel
Mother 2 Mother
Mother 2 Mother

Workshop Materials

The 2017 conference featured a wide variety of workshops during three workshop sessions. For detailed descriptions and presentation materials for each of these workshop sessions, please visit the CVN Resource Library.