Catholic Media Promotion Day!

It’s amazing to us how technology has changed the way we experience the world. For example, just 10 years ago when I started looking for my volunteer program, I relied mostly on my printed copy of Response, brochures I found from various programs, word of mouth and the telephone to connect to the programs directly. Now, so many people turn to the web when they have questions or are searching for answers.

We’re proud to be a part of the Catholic media that is trying to make a difference and promote positive work in the world. We hope that everyone finds our media outlets (blog, Facebook page, twitter account and youtube channel) as good tools for learning about Christian service options after graduation, in retirement, and anywhere in between.

Our favorite 3 blogs include Mike Hayes’ Googling God, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, and Inside JVC (one of our largest member programs)

Three other media that we like include the Busted Halo show on Sirius radio – Fr. Dave and Robyn have some great insights. Also, we want to mention a couple of our partner schools’ websites, Notre Dame Center for Social Concern and Creighton University campus ministry (great prayer resources)

Finally, keep reading our blog, follow us on Twitter @CatholicVolNet, connect with us on Facebook and watch our videos on Youtube If you have suggestions for us to spread the word more, please let us know!

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