LAMP Catholic Ministries is looking for US men and women volunteers between the ages of 24-45 years of age to join us this fall as full time missionaries.
We offer lay adults the opportunity to deepen their faith through a 1-2 year committed time of service, community, and prayer working with the materially poor in NYC and the Bronx.
Our mission is to share the love of Jesus with those who suffer the most in our society – those who are poor, homeless, abandoned, sick, elderly, or ignored.
Due to Covid, or main ministry is LAMP Cafe, a food truck that goes out to different sites in the Bronx to share faith, food, and fellowship. We also have a homeless visitation outreach and bible study fellowship ministry on 42nd in downtown Manhattan.
As a missionary, you will receive free room and board (men and women live separately), food and travel expenses covered, access to a vehicle for ministry, a $200 monthly stipend, and medical insurance.
Our admission happens on a rolling basis, so please reach out to Maggie our admissions counselor at to learn more.