Bleasdale Educational Research & Consulting (BERC)
SEED (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity): Creating Conversational Communities that Drive Change
Facilitator: Yetunde Daniles Rubinstein MsEd
Long term group driven individual upskilling, practice, praxis, and theory
Focus on individual roles and exploration of personal de-biasing practices, equity-based, cultural competency, and upskilling towards personal growth. We aim to help participants understand and answer, ‘where do I fit’ into the changes needed for my organization to thrive in serving the needs of our collective community.
Details: 6 sessions, each 2 hours, with reading and journaling follow-up between sessions.
Timing: Wednesdays 10am - 12 noon EST or 7am - 9am PST via zoom
Cost: $900 per participant. Reduced cost for the first cohort in Spring 2024' Regular cost will be $1200.
Participants: at least 6- 8 people, max of 15
Crossroads Antiracism Training and Organizing
Upcoming Featured Trainings
May 2-4, 2024: From White Supremacy Toward Liberation: Building Shared Analysis to Transform Institutions* is a dynamic workshop that explores a power analysis of white supremacy and systemic racism in the United States. In this intensive workshop, participants become a learning cohort through large and small group discussion. The shared learning environment encourages participants to apply this analysis towards institutional growth and change.
Register Here.
This workshop requires the participation of a pre-requisite training. CVN members who participated in the Implicit Bias Course have fulfilled the pre-requisite requirement. For those who did not, the following two options are still available in April:
“Animating Antiracist Ways of Being”
- April 6 – in-person (New Lenox, IL – Chicago suburb)
- April 17 – on Zoom
Go here for more information.